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6 Ways to Sleep Soundly This Summer

6 Ways to Sleep Soundly This Summer

Summer is in full swing and if you live in Texas like us, your sleep may be taking a hit due to the intensely warm weather and social opportunities. While we encourage you to have fun taking up outside activities such as visiting the beach, boardwalk or park, it’s important to make some adjustments to stay on track with your snooze. Try these sleep tips inspired by Fit Sugar for soothing trips to dreamland this summer:

1. Be Mindful of Dinnertime: When you eat a heavy meal too close to your bedtime, it’s likely you’ll experience heartburn and other digestive problems that’ll make you uncomfortable while you are trying to sleep. Remember to stay away from spicy meals and sweet treats at least an hour before bed, you don’t want to be hyper.

2. Cool Down Your Herbal Tea: Cold beers and margaritas definitely dominate the summer and we understand. However, alcohol causes reduced sleep quality with plenty of disruptions. Replace alcohol with iced chamomile tea or seltzer with fruit slices as the sun begins to set.

3. Enjoy Some H20 Before Bed: Make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day to prevent dehydration to avoid feeling exhausted. About 30 minutes before you go to bed, drink a little water to keep your digestion in order and improve your sleep quality. Just be careful not to drink too much, you don’t want to make bathroom trips.

4. Turn Down the AC: Allergies are a major annoyance, especially if you are leaving your windows open. Be sure to keep your room as cool as possible for a sleep boost by adding in a fan or setting your air conditioner properly.

5. Cool Off: If you are too hot or even worse sunburned, sleep isn’t going to come easy. Wash off all of those allergens before climbing into bed and keep your hair wet to stay cool all night. Remember to moisturize your skin with a lotion containing aloe for sunburns, as well as take ibuprofen to reduce inflammation.

6. Try Light Stretching: Summer workouts are intense as you want to keep your beach body in great form. Soreness can hold you back from sleep, so stretch those muscles before and after workouts as well as give some relaxing yoga poses a try before bedtime.

Stay consistent with your bedtime routine and sleep schedule as much as possible. You still need 7-9 hours of sleep each night to perform your best! What do you love most about summer time?

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