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Study: Chronic Insomnia Linked to Increased Mortality Risk

Study: Chronic Insomnia Linked to Increased Mortality Risk

While it isn’t uncommon to occasionally struggle to fall asleep, chronic insomnia is a real threat to the health millions of people in our nation. According to a new study published in The American Journal of Medicine, persistent or chronic insomnia brings much greater risks than intermittent insomnia.

The basis of insomnia is not being able to sleep; however, this sleep disorder comes in many forms and levels of severity. Currently, it’s defined by physicians and sleep experts as having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up too early and/or not feeling as you’ve slept upon waking up in the mornings.

Nearly 20% of adults are affected by insomnia, with half suffering from chronic insomnia.

Lead study investigator Dr. Sairam Parthasarathy found that even after adjusting for factors such as sex, age, smoking, weight and physical activity, study subject with chronic insomnia were 58% more likely to die over the study period of 38 years, compared to those without insomnia. Their cause of death was also more likely to be cardiovascular related than related to cancer.

1409 study participants were monitored as they participated in the Tucson Epidemiological Study of Airway Obstructive Disease study, which began in 1972. Over the years, multiple surveys, along with blood and urine samples were collected to reach the most accurate conclusion.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is on the fast track to becoming the best treatment for insomnia patients, especially if you don’t want to take medication for long-term results. Speak to a licensed physician as soon as possible if you have any problems sleeping. Not only does insomnia increase your risk of facing serious health risks, it diminishes your quality of life.

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