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Archive | Sleep Resources

Are You Getting Too Little or Too Much Sleep?

Are You Getting Too Little or Too Much Sleep? How much sleep do you think you need to be your best? This new video from AsapSCIENCE aims to help you understand that question and why getting an optimum amount is crucial to your well-being. Too little or too much shut-eye can create expensive health issues you don’t want to deal with, so it’s best to […]

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How Often Do You Replace Your Pillows?

How Often Do You Replace Your Pillows?

If you haven’t been sleeping well lately, it may be time to replace your pillows. According to a poll by the National Sleep Foundation, about 70% of people say that having a comfortable pillow is essential to getting a great of sleep. However, often times we all make the mistake of hanging on to the same […]

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Source: The Huffington Post

How Common is Sleep Apnea?

As we are always bringing you up-to-date information on the dangers of sleep apnea, you may be wondering, is it really that big of a deal? The answer is absolutely! We all know someone who’s snoring is so bad, you can still hear it in the next room. However, snoring is mostly annoying and is […]

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Large Study Confirms Tie Between Sleep Apnea and Diabetes

Large Study Confirms Tie Between Sleep Apnea and Diabetes

The link between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and diabetes is back in the spotlight with the largest study to ever explore it being conducted recently. Researchers at the University of Toronto involved 8,678 Canadian patients to confirm the research of earlier, smaller studies. The patients were all suspected to have OSA without diabetes to establish a baseline. After […]

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Is 7 Hours of Sleep Better Than 8?

Is 7 Hours of Sleep Better Than 8?

How much sleep do you get each night? The National Sleep Foundation is adamant that adults get between 7-9 hours of sleep a night for optimal health, with 8 hours of sleep being a well-known sweet spot. However, the sleep community is in a serious debate this season as The Washington Post recently released an article sharing that […]

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Understanding Your Preferred Sleep Position

Understanding Your Preferred Sleep Position

While everyone’s sleeping style is different and we all have a preferred sleeping position, it’s important to be aware of how that preference affects you. In an effort to bring more awareness to how sleep positions affect our health as well as comfort during the night, The Huffington Post put together this easy to read info-graphic to follow […]

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British Airways to Deliver Happiness via Blankets for Sleep

British Airways to Deliver Happiness via Blankets for Sleep Our childhood blankies are getting a major upgrade thanks to the innovative twist happening at British Airways with their “happiness blanket.” This unique blanket has been exclusively designed to measure a passenger’s satisfaction during a flight. Business Week tells us that the blanket uses neuro-sensors to analyze levels of stress and relaxation. The blanket itself […]

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